Civil & Criminal

Civil & Criminal Laws
Civil Law
Administrative Law
Arbitration Law
Contract Law
Tort Law
Family Law
Employment Law
Criminal Law
Types of Civil & Criminal Laws
Civil Law
Civil law in Ohio encompasses legal disputes between individuals, organizations, or between the two, where compensation is awarded to the victim. The primary goal is to resolve disputes and provide restitution.
Administrative Law
Administrative Law is a branch of law that relates to the governing and operation of administrative agencies. Administrative agencies have the power to create regulations that help enforce statutory laws.
Arbitration Law
Arbitration is a type of Alternative Dispute Resolution that results from the interested parties, usually by contract, agreeing to settle their dispute with one or more impartial third parties (known as “arbitrators”), who issue binding decisions to the interested parties.
Contract Law
Deals with the enforcement of agreements between parties, such as a breach of contract, disputes over contract terms, and enforcement of contract provisions.
Tort Law
Involves cases where a person’s actions have caused harm or injury to another.
Family Law
Covers legal matters related to family relationships. For example divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, and adoption.
Employment Law
Involves legal issues related to the workplace and employer-employee relationships, such as wrongful termination, workplace discrimination, wage disputes, and employment contracts.
Criminal Law
Criminal law in Ohio deals with actions considered harmful or dangerous to society as a whole. The state prosecutes individuals or entities that violate these laws. Felony criminal offenses are categorized based on their severity.