Second National Bank V. Erik R. Byer


H1: Civil Procedure > Preliminary Considerations > Venue > General Overview

See Civ. R. 3

H2: Civil Procedure > Preliminary Considerations > Venue > General Overview

Venue is the geographic division where a claim may tried. The venue must be proper. 

H3: Civil Procedure > Preliminary Considerations > Venue > General Overview

Civil Procedure> Venue > Motion to Transfer > General Overview

Under Ohio R. Civ. P. 3, the proper venue lies in a county in which the defendant conducted activity that gave rise to the claim for relief or the county in which all or part of the claim for relief arose. 

Summary of Case

Procedural Posture: The defendant has filed a motion to transfer the venue. The plaintiff objects to the venue being transferred to another county. 

Overview: The plaintiff owns a business in Darke County. The defendant resides in Van Wert County, Ohio. The defendant signed a promissory note for the purchase of a vehicle in Allen County, Ohio. However, Plaintiff argues that Defendant’s note was to be paid in Darke County and that Defendant was aware of this requirement and had been making payments on the note in Darke County. The Plaintiff argues that the venue in Darke County is proper. 

Outcome: Under Ohio R. Civ. P. 3(B)(3) and 3(B)(6), the Court finds that venue is proper in Darke County. Defendant’s motion to transfer venue is denied.